Fall Events and Halloween Safety Tips for Montgomery County, Texas
In October, our beloved Montgomery County and surrounding communities offer Fall and Halloween themed experiences that will delight seekers of all things spooky. Whether your idea of festive means haunted woods or merely hunting for the perfect pumpkin we’ve got several options to help you fill your calendar. Keep reading for some of our favorite Fall events and Halloween safety tips.
Family Fun
P-6 Farms Pumpkin Patch Fall Festival
The U-Pick-‘Em farm in Montgomery transforms into our favorite pumpkin patch with a family fall festival. Activities include classics such as a corn maze, pig races, hay rides, and apple blasters. Tickets, priced $19.95, include all activities and must be purchased online.
Learn more: https://www.p-6farms.com/pumpkin-patch-corn-maze
Old Time Christmas Tree Farm
Kick the holidays off at your favorite tree farm revamped as a pumpkin patch. They offer pie pumpkins, mini pumpkins, jack-o-lantern pumpkins and more! Entry is only $9 and no reservations are required. This location does offer eight other attractions, including a train ride! Pumpkins and attractions are a la carte extra costs.
Learn more: https://www.oldtimechristmastree.com/pumpkinpatch
Boogie Bash Monster Mash

This favorite is back at The Woodlands Children’s Museum! While the event runs from 10 AM – 5 PM on Saturday, October 30th, tickets are sold for two hour increments. Dress up in costume and join in on games, crafts, and other activities.
Learn more and get tickets: https://woodlandschildrensmuseum.org/spooktacular-sat-oct-30th/
Harvest Festival
Trick or treat on Main St in our neighboring city of Tomball. From 6 – 8 PM on Saturday, Oct 30th you can enjoy food trucks, carnival games, and more. No tickets are required for this not so spooky affair.
Learn more: https://www.woodlandsonline.com/evps/evitem.cfm?evid=154324
Get Crafty
Painting with a Twist
The October calendar is filled with spooky scenes. Choose from trees with autumn leaves, classic black cats, witches, and multiple style of Pumpkin King Jack Skellington.
Choose your design: https://www.paintingwithatwist.com/studio/woodlands/calendar/
Right Next Door Designs
Don’t carve pumpkins this year – paint them! For $20 this local home décor and gift boutique will provide pumpkins and all supplies.
Trick or Treat / Trunk or Treat
The ultimate in Halloween fun! There are a variety of times and locations to show off your costume and hunt for your favorite sweet treat.
Christ Church United Methodist
Mercedes-Benz of The Woodlands
The Township Trick or Treat Trail
The Woodlands Christian Church
A Thrilling Event
“Wood You Dare” to enter Bear Branch Woods…when they’re haunted? This event is recommended for ages 9+ and is $20 per person. This year they are requesting tickets be purchased 48 hours in advance.
Learn more: https://www.woodlandsonline.com/evps/evitem.cfm?evid=152793
Be Safe
Now that you’ve planned your costume and calendar, make sure you get maximum enjoyment from your chosen events with these Halloween safety tips.
Costume Tips
Place reflective lights or tape on dark costumes to make children easier to be seen.
Ensure costumes fit correctly. Avoid dresses that are too long or pants too wide.
Consider the weather. It’s often still warm (and rainy) so if long sleeves/pants are necessary opt for material that will breathe well.
If using face makeup, take the time to clean kids’ faces well to avoid skin and eye irritation while sleeping.
For Kids Trick or Treating Without Adults
Keep your children (and whole family) safe.
Don’t go alone! Stay in groups of at least three.
Bring a flashlight. Be on the lookout for other kids, cars, unexpectedly spooky décor.
Plan where you’re going to go, and stick to the plan. If something comes up, use your cell to communicate all detours.
If you have allergies, bring an EpiPen. Although, it’s better to not eat anything until you get home. It’s hard to see in the dark if a candy may contain something to which you’re allergic.
Whatever your Halloween style – spooky or silly – we hope you safely enjoy many of the events our community offers.